
Academic Programming provides students with access to a range of academic support throughout the school year
and summer months through LEGENDprep!.

    • Homework Help: Students will participate in homework help in one-on-one and group settings.
    • Literacy Enrichment: Students participate in literacy enrichment work, typically extending the classroom literacy projects. During the summer months, literacy enrichment is independent of schoolwork.
    • Math Enrichment: Students participate in math enrichment activities, focused on developing basic math facts and robust understanding of fractions, percent, and ratio relationships, as well as STAAR, CogAT, and Gifted & Talented Placement.
    • Study Skills Development: During the school year, students learn how to prepare for subject specific assessments. Students will learn how to study independently and collaboratively.
    • College Prep: Students participate in a variety of college prep activities in grades 8-12. Students begin with college visits and, as they move into the secondary years, advance to ACT prep classes, college tours, completing applications, and identifying appropriate scholarships.